Curious Minds Blog

Welcome to the Curious Minds Blog at University School of Milwaukee. Here, you'll find valuable information related to parenting children from ages 3 to 18, education, social and behavioral wellness, college preparation, and more. Posts are written by our accomplished faculty members, who are subject-matter experts with first-hand knowledge and experience. So dive in, look around, and get informed!

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A girl smiles while reading her college admission letter.

Dealing with a college admissions decision—whether it’s a yes, no, or maybe—is not easy. It takes savvy and skills to navigate ambiguity well. Students need to manage the complex landscape of celebrating their successes while being sensitive to others who may have heard bad news. Or, they might need to manage their own negative emotions while trying to appear fine on the outside. They may feel genuinely happy for their friends, but also a little jealous. It’s difficult for everyone, but parents can be a great source of support and guidance for their high school senior. Below are some tips that may help.