University School of Milwaukee’s beautiful 125-acre campus, located just on the northern edge of Milwaukee County, offers state-of-the-art classroom and cocurricular facilities that enhance our students’ educational experiences. A visit to USM highlights our outstanding facilities, including our Lubar Center for Innovation and Exploration, Upper School science center, three libraries, study halls, art rooms, music and theatre spaces, four gymnasiums, a fitness center, and so much more. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our ongoing facility upgrades will ensure that USM is able to continue to offer enhanced learning environments and cocurricular activities for students of all ages while maintaining USM's reputation for providing the strongest possible foundation for achieving success in college and beyond.
University School of Milwaukee is located at 2100 W. Fairy Chasm Road, Milwaukee (River Hills).
All campus visitors must check in and out at either the West Visitor Entrance, located in the Lower School, or the East Visitor Entrance, located in the Upper School, when entering and exiting the school during regular school hours. Please bring a driver’s license or other government-issued identification the first time you check in.
The school's main phone number is 414.352.6000.
Campus Access and Parking
1 Fairy Chasm Road West Drive Entrance
2 Fairy Chasm Road East Drive Entrance
3 County Line Road North Drive Entrance
P1-P8 Parking Lots
Building Access
17 West Visitor Entrance*
22 West Deliveries
35 Quadracci Lobby Entrance
41 East Visitor Entrance*
43 Shipping and Receiving
45 Mellowes Hall Entrance
*Entrances for school-day visitors
Divisions and Administration
PS Preschool
LS Lower School
MS Middle School
US Upper School
AO Administrative Offices
Exterior Locations, Athletic Facilities, and Outbuildings
A Front Circle
B Preschool Playground
C Athletic Practice Field
D Lower School Playground
E Marion and Verne Read Gymnasium
F Middle School Fields
G Cross Country Course Entry
H Polly and Henry Uihlein Ice Arena
I James Laing Tennis Center
J Football/Lacrosse Practice Field
K Wildcat Park
L Head of School Residence
M Charles James Field
N Don Forti Stadium/Ken Laird Field
O Middle School Gymnasium
P Upper School Gymnasium
Q Athletic Circle
R Liz Krieg Field
S Grounds/Transportation Building
T New Athletic Field (coming soon)
Interior Conference Rooms and Community Spaces
The abbreviations in parentheses indicate which part of the school each area is located; check in at the West Visitor Entrance or East Visitor Entrance and follow the internal signage to your location, or, if you have an appointment or are meeting someone from a specific department, that individual may meet you at your check-in location.
Alumni Room (MS)
Board Room (AO)
Darrow Family Welcome Center (LS)
Ettinger Conference Room (US)
Hupy Conference Room (LS)
Kohl Collaboration Center (US)
Lee Community Room (LS)
Lubar Center for Innovation and Exploration (US)
Lyons Family Conference Room (US)
Mellowes Hall (US)
Olson Commons (US)
Parents’ Association Offices (LS)
Petzold Conference Room (LS)
School Store (MS)
Virginia Henes Young Theatre (US)
Werner Family Art Gallery (US)