A Conversation with Great USM Historians

A Conversation with Great USM Historians

Members of the University School of Milwaukee community were invited to attend a virtual discussion hosted by the USM Alumni Association titled “What, How, and Why We Teach: A Conversation with USM’s Great Historians.” The event, held on Thursday, April 4, featured former Upper School history teachers John “J.S.” Stephens, Steve Bruemmer, and Greg Morgan, with content and questions curated by Raj Bhala ’80, distinguished law professor at the University of Kansas.

More than 100 guests from around the country and world signed up to listen to USM’s former historians speak about a variety of topics, including their proudest accomplishments, favorite ideas, favorite scholars, the meaning of historical literacy, favorite teaching techniques, building a syllabus, and more. Guests also had the opportunity to submit questions before and during the event. The three historians have more than 152 years of accumulated teaching experience, with 106 of them at USM. View a recording of the webinar here.

“There’s no better way to showcase the school as a catalyst for lifelong learning and a commitment to the life of the mind than with these three speakers,” said Bhala.

  • Alumni