The Rainforest Comes to First Grade

The Rainforest Comes to First Grade

University School of Milwaukee 1st grade students recently celebrated the culmination of their unit on the rainforest. The students spent several weeks learning about the rainforest, and they each chose an animal to study in depth. They researched their animal’s diet, habitat, predators, adaptations, and behavior, and wrote pages that were compiled into a rainforest animal book. They then created a 3-D model of their animal and its habitat using reclaimed wood and other items from USM’s Middle School makerspace, known as Nerdvana, with the help of Matthew Gagnier, PK-8 academic technology coordinator.

The students were invited to participate in extra tasks at home for an opportunity to earn money to support rainforest preservation through Children’s Eternal Rainforest nonprofit. This year, students donated over $400! They used their rainforest donations to practice developing tally tables, including collecting the data, mapping it, tallying it, and displaying it. They also held a virtual call with the director of Children’s Eternal Rainforest, who showed students photos of animals from the organization’s trail cameras, answered questions from students, and thanked them for their generous donation. 

On Friday, May 31, parents, guardians, and other guests were invited to campus to see the projects and listen to the students give formal presentations, complete with slides, about the animals they chose. For many of the students, this was their first public-speaking opportunity.

“I love this project because it encompasses so much of our curriculum—writing, spelling, reading, science, social studies, comprehension, math, and public speaking,” said Erica Melick, 1st grade teacher. “The students work so hard on it and really feel a sense of accomplishment when it’s done.” 

The project also allowed for cross-divisional collaboration. Prior to their presentations, 1st grade students met with 8th graders who volunteered during their recess to help the younger students with writing, reading, and practicing their presentations. 

Many thanks to the 1st grade team for their dedication and support of this project: Erica Melick, Jessica Roberts ’06, Lauri Sies, and Kelly Strains.

A 1st grade student gives a presentation to a classroom full of visitors
A student-built diorama of a snake
A student-built diorama of a toucan
A 1st grade student gives a presentation to a classroom full of visitors
A 1st grade student gives a presentation to a classroom full of visitors
A 1st grade student gives a presentation to a classroom full of visitors