Academic Resource Center
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides support for USM students experiencing learning challenges. The one-to-one approach leads to growth outcomes for students, and families often see the program as a 'beacon of hope' when their student is experiencing challenges.
The faculty in the ARC work daily with classroom teachers to support their curricula without modifying lesson content. ARC teachers have the autonomy to create teaching tools and make necessary adjustments to best meet each individual student's learning needs.
Learning specialists meet with students every other day to provide additional instruction and support. The ARC is not bound to IEPs or 504 plans, and thus can provide accommodations and modifications that are best suited to individual students. Students can qualify for support without meeting the standards of a diagnosed learning disability. Faculty in the ARC work collaboratively with one another and with classroom teachers in an ongoing process to support the success of every student. ARC faculty are skilled at assessing and screening for potential learning challenges, and have extensive specialties in communication sciences, school refusal, anxiety, dyslexia, autism, executive functioning, reading, special education, language processing disorders, and more. They have also developed relationships with community providers when a whole student approach is the best option for your child.
Students learn to view the ARC as a safe zone where they can ask questions, not be afraid to fail, catch up, relearn material, and feel comfortable. Students learn to understand their specific learning challenges and practice compensation skills as they move toward becoming independent learners.