Ethical Leadership
In the fabric—indeed in the very language that gives purpose to our school—University School of Milwaukee sets out to develop not just learners, but also leaders and citizens. In addition to this charge, the world beyond USM is increasingly seeking graduates with the capacities to lead in a complex, diverse, and constantly changing world. As such, the purpose of the Ethical Leadership program is to add intentionality, shape, and focus to the tremendously important work of creating leaders. At USM, leadership is having the courage and integrity to take a stand, the vision and influence to inspire others, and the perseverance to create positive change. As such, the program's fundamental goal is for every USM student to develop essential capacities needed by ethical leaders. These capacities include, but are not limited to:
- An ethical core
- Self-awareness and self-regulation
- Risk-taking and resilience
- Vision and perseverance
- Communication and relationship skills, including responsiveness
Through this program, students will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the impacts they have—and can aspire to have—on their communities.