USM is uniquely situated within a beautiful and expansive campus, and it is from this vantage point on which the Middle School outdoor education program is founded. Middle School students explore the outside world throughout the year, and in a wide range of courses. Whether working outside on a science project, deriving inspiration from nature for an art class, reading outside during English, or exploring the trails during sports or an elective, being able to connect students with the nature that surrounds the school is particularly important during this time of great growth for our students.
Students learn that the outdoors are a place for peace, comfort, and acceptance during what can often be a tumultuous time in their lives. Teachers work to instill within students a sense of stewardship over the campus, advocacy for nature and our place within it, as well as a sense of appreciation for where we are and what surrounds us. Older Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in large scale project based learning opportunities and can serve as mentors for our youngest Wildcats. For many students, the reintroduction to the outdoors reminds them that they are still children, while also allowing them the freedoms that they can enjoy as budding adults.