Five USM Projects Advance to National History Day Finals
University School students presented five projects at the National History Day national competition in June, held at the University of Maryland. Congratulations to Lilian Jochmann ’22, whose project (listed below) earned second place in the junior individual website category. “It’s remarkable to have this type of success,” said Chuck Taft, 8th grade American studies history teacher and History Department chair. “It’s a testament to the students’ hard work, talent, and resiliency.” The below 8th-grade students, many of who are pictured at left, competed as national finalists (categories in parenthesis):
Xavier Barth: “More than a Wall: The Conflict and Compromise of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial” (Performance)
Tess Diamond, Hannah Hoch: “Climbing the Capitol Steps – How the Wall of Exclusion Finally Came Tumbling Down” (Documentary)
Lilian Jochmann: “Opening the Door for Compromise: Davis v. Bandemer and the Conflict Over Partisan Gerrymandering” (Website)
Max Simanonok, Spencer Steffes, Charles Cushman: “The Good Neighbor Policy” (Exhibit)
Ali Mortada, Loïc Marolda, Conner Gourlay, James Reese: “Retreat and Don’t Repeat: The Struggles of Black Hawk Down” (Exhibit)
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