Fall-Winter 2024-25
Scholastic Art Awards
Scholastic Art Awards
A USM record-setting 19 students won a total of 31 state recognition awards from the Scholastic Art Competition, including six Gold Keys and seven Silver Keys. Congratulations to back row, from left Gianna Huff ’22, Qiufeng Rui ’20, Duncan Petrie ’19, Afiya Quryshi ’20, Kristen Chou ’19, Lana Stone ’22, Aidanne DePoy ’20, Xizhe Liu ’20; middle row, from left Elizabeth Borg ’20, Madeleine Megal ’21, Maia Thompson ’19, Anyah Jackson ’20, Audrey Engman ’20, Sheilla Nourzad ’19; front row, from left Nolee Xiong ’22, Mara Sadek ’23, Abby Moyer ’22; and not pictured Joe Jacobus ’20 and Mia Johnson ’20.
- Arts