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A Bear of a Good Time

A Bear of a Good Time

Students in 1st grade celebrated the culmination of a two-week unit about bears with an outdoor picnic on the Lower School playground. As part of the curriculum, students read books about bears, practiced bear math problems, and studied the history of the teddy bear. They were even able to choose their own teddy bear at the beginning of the unit as a special gift from their teachers.

Gregg Bach shows his childhood teddy bear to a student.

Gregg Bach, assistant head of school, brought his personal teddy bear from when he was a child. Savanna Engroff ’32 shared one of her treats with Bach’s teddy bear, affectionately named Christmas Tree Wreath Brownie.

A student shares a snack with her virtual learning friend during the teddy bear picnic.

Distance learner Olivia Fritz ’32 was still able to enjoy the event from home, while joined by Gigi Molnar-Kovoor ’32.

Steve Hancock greets students with a giant teddy bear.

Head of School Steve Hancock joined the fun, and shared his life-sized bear with his new first-grade friends.

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