A Message from Steve Hancock: Spring/Summer 2020-21
Dear USM Family,
My first year at University School of Milwaukee has come to an end. The past 12 months have been exhilarating and beyond my wildest imagination. I have come to know many in our community, and I look forward to meeting many more parents and alumni in my "second-first year" at USM. I can't wait to hear your stories about your own adventures at our school.
By every metric, this has been a successful year. Our students thrived in our classrooms that were held both online and in-person. Throughout the pages of this issue, you will see some of our signature programs and students in action. We worked hard to battle the virus, but we worked equally hard to deliver a strong, robust educational program. An effort is already underway to evaluate our academic offerings as we enter a strategic design phase for the school.
Our faculty continues to be USM's greatest asset. We can all think back to a teacher who changed our lives. Each day I see these teachers in action, I am impressed and in awe. We have a strong group of dedicated professionals who love both their subjects and the students surrounding them. The normal cycle of schools gives pause each year as we say farewell to a few of those exceptional individuals who have changed lives. This issue celebrates our recent retirees who represent over 300 years of service to USM.
A recent conversation with one of our retirees, with over 30 years of devoted service to USM, revealed a special love for our school. She proclaimed, "This is where I learned to love teaching. USM has been my home and my family for nearly four decades." While we have said "farewell" to these outstanding individuals, we hope and trust they will come back tome to share memories and wisdom. As you read through the profiles of our retirees, I am sure many will remember wonderful times in their classrooms throughout the generations of USM graduates.
While we celebrate those individuals who are leaving, we are excited for new faculty and staff members to join us starting this summer. They bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and ample experience of their own to share, as we look forward to welcoming them to the community.
Enjoy these summer months. I look forward to sharing news of our strategic work and campus enhancements in future issues.
All the best,
- Head of School