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Leaving Their Mark

Leaving Their Mark

Members of the Class of 2024 are about to embark on exciting new adventures, but thankfully they and their families left a generous gift to remember them by: the new monument to military service. The monument, which honors our nation’s veterans, was unveiled with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 24, the same day as Senior Send-off. Located in the front circle, it honors USM community members who have served in the armed forces and will be used by students and teachers in all divisions for reflection, gratitude, and learning. 

The gift was especially meaningful to members of the Class of 2024 because, as 8th grade students in 2020, their class trip to Washington, D.C. was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project served as a way to reconnect with Chuck Taft, their 8th grade American studies history teacher, and Will Piper ’96, assistant director of alumni relations and reunion giving, who both helped with planning and fundraising.

  • Alumni
  • On Campus
Chuck Taft speaks at the unveiling of the monument to military service.

Chuck Taft, 8th grade American studies history teacher.

Will Piper speaks at the unveiling of the monument to military service.

Will Piper ’96, assistant director of alumni relations and reunion giving.

The Class of 2024 and honored guests pose for a photos.

Members of the Class of 2024 joined faculty, staff, and visiting dignitaries for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The ribbon cutting for the monument to military service.

From left Stuart Cushman, chief operating officer and former sergeant, U.S. Army; Capt. Andy Gordon ’98, U.S. Army; Oskar Moe ’24, West Point cadet; Col. Scott Miller ’68, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Lee Rochwerger ’65, U.S. Army, Fred Lange, Upper School math teacher and former sergeant, U.S. Navy; and Nancy Jaeger, College Guidance associate and former staff sergeant, U.S. Army; officially cut the ribbon to the USM monument to military service.

Honored guests pose for a photo at the monument to military service.

From left Lt. Col. Lee Rochwerger '65, Col. Scott Miller '68, and Capt. Andy Gordon '98. Miller, who visited from his home in Arlington, Virginia, also spoke at the event.