Alumni Coaches
Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan once said, “A coach is someone who sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness.” Throughout the history of University School of Milwaukee, dating back to its predecessor schools, Milwaukee Country Day School, Milwaukee Downer Seminary, and Milwaukee University School, great coaches have played pivotal roles in shaping our students’ lives, modeling our Common Trust beyond our classroom walls. This spring, we wanted to take a moment to profile our current USM alumni coaches and learn about their experiences as student athletes at USM, as well as what they personally enjoy about coaching for their alma mater.
- Julien Addison '13
- Amber Baker '14
- Catherine Burke '06
- Duke Butler '12
- Andrea (Stoeckl) Burlew '93
- Harriette (Hauske) Engel '14
- Cassie (Bence) Hoppe '12
- Gretchen (Kreig) Matthews '06
- Robert Melick '99
- Elizabeth "Elle" Modahl '18
- Sarah Titus' 00
- Will Piper '96
- Phil Plautz '84
- Hailey Stephany '18
- Walter Taylor '17
Julien Addison '13
Sports played in Upper School:
Football, basketball, and track (shotput and discus)
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
"One of my favorite memories was working with Coach Dee. She has us doing a workout called, "The Immortal" and I vividly remember that workout and thinking I was going to meet some Greek gods and immortals when it was finished."
Sports Julien coaches:
Upper School JV football and varsity basketball assistant coach
Julien's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
Seeing the progress first hand is by far the most rewarding thing about coaching. A close second is watching students bond through adversity... whether that be a difficult workout or a tough loss. Watching teams gel is amazing.
Amber Baker '14
Sports played in Upper School:
Volleyball, basketball, soccer
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
Beating Lake Country Lutheran in volleyball on my senior night.
Sport Amber currently coaches:
Upper School volleyball. This will be my 6th year with the program.
Amber's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
Being able to coach with my mom (Sue Baker), as well as help the student athletes at USM enjoy the game of volleyball as much as I do.
Catherine Burke '06
Sports played in Upper School:
Field hockey, basketball (I was the team manager), and soccer
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
I broke my arm in the fall or junior year and wanted to continue playing field hockey, so I had my cast molded to fit the grip on my stick. I just didn't want to miss a season of playing with my teammates and Liz Krieg as our coach.
Sport Catherine currently coaches:
I coach Middle School field hockey for 5th and 6th graders.
Catherine's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I have enjoyed coaching field hockey with the Middle School students and watching them improve. Most of the girls came in a bit timid, but before they knew it, their confidence had strengthened and they were working together as a team.
Duke Butler '12
Sports played in Upper School:
Football, lacrosse, basketball, and skiing
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
My favorite memory was going to St. Norbert College for football training camp. It was a great opportunity to bond as a team from freshmen to seniors, as well as players and coaches. We would practice hard during the day, but at night we'd watch movies, do skits, and pretty much just goof off together. I have very fond memories of football camp.
Sport Duke currently coaches:
I coach football and work especially with our wide receivers and defensive backs.
Duke's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I really loved how welcoming the entire USM athletic community was when I came back to coach. Within a matter of days, I went from living in California to spending five days a week on Ken Laird Field practicing with the kids. Admittedly, I was a little nervous at first because I had never coached before and I was a little rusty, but Coach (Brian) Sommers and his staff brought me up to speed and accepted me immediately. I really appreciate them.
Andrea (Stoeckl) Burlew '93
Sports played in Upper School:
Field hockey, basketball, and soccer
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
A favorite memory for me was being a three-sport athlete while at USM. Being part of a variety of teams, each year being a bit new and different, being coached by a variety of coaches, and engaging with many teammates over the years is truly a special part of being a student-athlete at USM. It was through my time as an athlete at USM that I thrived to play at the collegiate level and ultimately become a coach. Coaching in the same place and on the same field where I grew as a student-athlete is truly remarkable and something I cherish.
Sports Andrea currently coaches:
I have coached varsity field hockey for the past 13 seasons (three as an assistant coach and the last ten as a head coach). I am also the Middle School girls’ lacrosse coach for the first time this season. In addition, I have coached two seasons of Girls on the Run and hope to continue supporting that program.
Andrea's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
My favorite part about coaching at USM is the connections I make with the student-athletes. I love spending every fall on the field with them. We work hard, laugh a lot, and have made many wonderful memories. It is not about the wins and losses, it is truly about the connections. I have now taught at USM long enough that some of the kindergarten students who I knew when they were 5 and 6 years old are now in Upper School, which means a reconnection with some and meeting many new people as well. This year, I have found a new role as a Middle School lacrosse coach. It is an exciting way to connect with students outside of the classroom, engaging in a fun activity, and building memories and lessons to last a lifetime. I am passionate about all the roles (teacher, coach, parent, alum) I have at USM and am grateful I am able to continue guiding these programs.
Harriette (Hauske) Engel '14
Sport played in Upper School:
Field hockey
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
Playoff time for field hockey was always so much fun. We would make signs for one another and hair ties. I think the thing that I truly loved about being a field hockey player at USM was the team building that took place between players from multiple grade levels. Field hockey helped me form friendships with students I would not have met otherwise. In addition, my senior year, we created a spirit club. This is before we had SALT [the Student Athlete Leadership Team] and a few classmates and I would organize groups of students to attend one another’s game. It was a great way to make sure that all of our student athletes were supported each season.
Sport Harriette currently coaches:
Middle School field hockey
Harriette's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
By far my favorite thing about coaching Middle School field hockey is the relationships that have been formed between me and our other amazing coaches [Gretchen (Krieg) Matthews ’06 and Catherine Burke ’06] and the students. As a Preschool teacher, it is great to work with Middle School kids in grades 5-8 and introduce them to field hockey in a safe and fun way. During my first year of coaching and teaching at USM, my Middle School team threw me a bridal shower, as I was getting married that year, too. They brought cupcakes, candy rings, and wonderful personal notes and a frame for a team picture. This is a special memory that I will forever cherish.
Cassie (Bence) Hoppe '12
Sports played in Upper School:
I played field hockey, skiing, soccer, and boys’ golf. In Middle School, I played field hockey, soccer, flag football (alumna favorite - go Twinkies!) and kickball.
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
I have so many good memories of my coaches and sports teams at USM. I feel like having those sports teams outside of the classrooms really helped us students bond in a different way. I would start by saying anyone who had Coach G (Mr. Guilfuss) as a coach was blessed! That man was so kind, funny, and encouraging—I got a lot of my early mentoring as a coach from him.
My ski coach Jane Segredahl really emphasized the fun of a sport and not always being so driven by a winning title—this helped create the program I have instilled for the ski team today. Coach Tom Carter, my Upper School field hockey coach, helped to show me and our team how to develop our skills and really take our abilities to the next level. He always brought something new to the table and it was amazing for USM to get such an accredited male field hockey coach. The program he created while he was there was exceptional.
But my favorite memory, hmmmm…. I have too many! Anyone who qualified and skied at the WIARA Ski State Championships can say that that experience alone is the coolest high school sporting event ever. They literally make it feel like you are in the World Cup or the Olympics. You were filmed coming down the hill and featured on the jumbotron with real commentary on how you're skiing from professionals. This was an intense competition and to come down the hill to 300+ fans cheering and music blaring at the bottom of the race run was amazing. I could write a thesis on why students should be on the ski team just because of the ski state experience they could partake in.
Another memory standing out in my mind is when we had secret "ampers" for field hockey. Almost like a secret Santa you would get sent a teammate’s name and have to "amp them up" before the game. This varied from a secret letter in the locker detailed with pictures of you scoring the winning goal, to some pre-game snacks the person knew you liked, or a poem or song presented to you in a classroom (in the middle of class sometimes) by a peer or the person who was there to amp you up. It was so much fun feeling amping teammates up and receiving the "amp" back. To this date, I have a few of my letters saved.
Sport Cassie currently coaches:
Cassie's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
My favorite thing about being a coach is that I am an alumna of the school. Even though teachers are different, policies have changed, and times have changed, having been a student athlete and participating in the sports I have coached, I come from a place of understanding. I understand the expectations of the school and the pressure of attending a college preparatory school and I’m able to offer my unsolicited advice on how to navigate life as a young adult attending USM. Everyone's journey is different, but looking back and being able to offer advice based on my lessons learned is something I have found useful when talking with some of the athletes. Having a more mature lens now feels like I am almost telling a younger version of myself what I should have done or how to navigate things. Of course, it also makes it easy for me to say, "Hey, I was a three-sport athlete and was part of two club teams outside of school, and I managed my time and kept up good grades, you can do it too if you plan accordingly. So what can we do to get you there?" And an added bonus is the positive feedback I get—whether it is a current athlete, getting a message from an athlete I coached years ago, or a parent saying that my organization or words of encouragement helped their child in a certain way.
Gretchen (Kreig) Matthews '06
Sports played in Upper School:
Field hockey, soccer, track, and basketball
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
I always loved Homecoming. For field hockey, we would have a big breakfast as a team and decorate the seniors' cars to caravan to the game. If we won, we'd get to throw Coach Krieg into the pond. Luckily for me, it is now blocked off!
Sport Gretchen currently coaches:
Middle School field hockey
Gretchen's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I love getting to know students outside of the classroom and seeing four different grades come together as a team. It's also been really special to have four Middle School coaches who all experienced the amazing field hockey program at USM and wanted to come back to share that experience with current Wildcats.
Robert Melick '99
Sports played in Upper School:
Football, hockey, baseball, and track
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
Coach Forti. The man was, and is, a true legend and someone who models how all coaches should treat players, regardless of the sport they are coaching. I loved playing for coach Forti and winning the conference title in 1998 on our home field.
Sport Robert currently coaches:
7th and 8th grade football
Robert's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I love being able to see the excitement in the kids’ eyes while they’re playing. We went 1-5-1 last year, so our record was not great. However, seeing the growth from the first practice we had to the last practice was so wonderfully rewarding. I especially love coaching football because it’s a sport where you need to have 11 players working together as one unit on every play.
Elizabeth "Elle" Modahl '18
Sports played in Upper School:
Field hockey and lacrosse
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
I think a favorite memory was my field hockey senior night because a group of my best friends showed up to support me and watch the game. Most of my close friends in Upper School were not involved in athletics so it was extra special for them to come support me in doing something I loved because sports were not an interest for them. They also had not told me they would be there so it was a surprise, which made it even better!
Sport Elle currently coaches:
Upper School field hockey and Middle School lacrosse
Elle's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I love how so many students, faculty, parents, and alumni are involved in athletics at USM and how everyone is there to grow and have fun together. It's a very welcome change after the intensity of collegiate athletics and I've had such an amazing time getting to know all the girls that I am coaching and watching them challenge themselves. They've helped me fall in love with both sports again and I'm so grateful!
Sarah Titus' 00
Sport played in Upper School:
Field hockey
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
Mrs. Krieg was our coach, and one of my favorite memories is how when we would win a game, we would toss her into the fire pond. She was such a great sport about it! She would emerge soaking wet with a huge smile on her face. I'd like to think I would react as graciously if my athletes threw me in the pond!
Sport Sarah currently coaches:
Junior varsity field hockey
Sarah's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I love getting to know my students outside of the classroom and hearing about their families and interests. Coaching also provides me with the opportunity to get to know students who I do not have in my classroom, and may not have any other chance to get to know.
Will Piper '96
Sports played in Upper School:
Football and baseball
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
Coach Forti made a lasting impact on my life. He is a person who helped instill in me qualities of respect, trust, honesty, fairness and kindness, which are the values of the school’s Common Trust (which was just starting to come into vision around my time in the Upper School). I was never a great athlete but always felt valued on the team. I recall one game where I was playing nose tackle and I ended up sacking the opposing quarterback three plays in a row, always helping him up afterwards. My teammates started chanting, “RUDY! RUDY!” which was a popular movie at the time that we watched at Lakeland College during football camp in the world famous Muskie Lounge. Many of the guys who I played football with during my time as a student athlete at USM remain some of my closest friends to this day, and I aspire to embody coach Forti’s philosophy as a youth sports coach myself.
Sports Will currently coaches:
Lower School basketball and Middle School flag football
Will's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
For the 20 years that I taught 5th grade here, I can say with confidence that coaching flag football in the fall was one of the best experiences I had, and I’m excited to get back on the field next season again. I love the life lessons that you learn by playing and coaching sports.
Phil Plautz '84
Sports played in Upper School:
Soccer, basketball, and track
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
I don’t have any specific sports memories. However, what I really enjoyed was practicing and spending time with teammates.
Sport Phil currently coaches:
Varsity golf
Phil's favorite thing about teaching at USM:
I enjoy working with our student athletes who are willing to learn and put forth effort to compete and grow as players and people.
Hailey Stephany '18
Sports played in Upper School:
Volleyball, field hockey, and lacrosse
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
My favorite memory was playing field hockey for the first time my senior year and trying my best but just being surrounded by a bunch of amazing girls. It was the first time I had been on a team and didn’t feel the pressure of being a top player, instead I focused on trying my best and just having fun with all of my friends.
Sport Hailey currently coaches:
Upper School girls lacrosse
Hailey's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
My favorite thing about coaching sports at USM is being in a great community of women and girls who just want to have fun and get better at the sport we all love.
Walter Taylor '17
Sports played in Upper School:
Basketball and track
Favorite memory as a student athlete at USM:
My favorite coaches were Coach Cutler, Coach Dee, and Coach Eason. I’ll never forget that we were the first (and I believe the last) class to do a track and field lock in. We had a really close team and we really wanted to do the lock-in, and coach Eason made it happen. Our track team was like a family where we would all support one another. I had a great three years as a student athlete at USM, as we won the conference title in both track and basketball.
Sports Walter currently coaches:
Varsity track and Middle School basketball
Walter's favorite thing about coaching at USM:
I love the progression of seeing how much kids improve from the start of the season to the end of the season and from year to year. It is truly so rewarding. I am also grateful to be working primarily with high jumpers. When I was a student athlete we did not have a high jump coach and it is so amazing to help these kids improve so much.