Wildcat Booster Club

The Wildcat Booster Club is the parent organization that focuses its support on all University School of Milwaukee athletic teams and athletes. The club strives to foster school spirit and sportsmanship, provide volunteer and financial support to USM athletics, recognize the achievements of USM teams and athletes, and support cooperation and communication among all constituents. 

Roar with the Wildcats! Invest in the Booster Club Today!

It's easy to join-just complete this online membership form and we'll bill your USM account. A Booster club membership provides free access for you and your family to all USM-hosted regular season events.

Volunteer with the Booster Club

Boosters volunteers are always needed! Please contact boosters@usm.org to get involved.

2023-24 Athletic Highlights

Booster Club Allocations

Over the last several years, the USM Booster Club has raised thousands of dollars through membership, additional membership donations, the collection of gate admissions, the operation of the concession stands, and the sale of spirit wear. These funds are used to purchase athletic equipment requested by coaches as well as to improve and maintain USM's top-notch athletic facilities, and to support the recognition of teams and athletes. Over the years, Boosters has paid for:

Contact the Booster Club

For more information or questions, contact the Boosters at boosters@usm.org.

2024-25 Boosters Board

President: Mindy Grenier '96
Vice President: Julie Art '91
Treasurer: Yulia Jigalina
Secretary: Jennifer Reese
Past President: Jen Darrow

Marketing/Membership: Jodi Lurie, Gunter Kocourek
Team Parent Liaison: Katie McGregor
Merchandise Coordinator: Shelly Farrow, Cathie Torinus
Concessions: Dorothy Dyson, Brad Farrow
Upper School Special Events Coordinator: Jen Kroening
Middle School Special Events Coordinator: Mindy Grenier '96
Upper School Advisory Committee: Boyd Miller, Tyra Merriweather, Andy Read, Dave Holton
Middle School Advisory Committee: Julie Sellars, Brie Lindemann, Brooke Fetherston