In 7th grade English Language Arts, students advance their skills in language arts through a range of challenging and rewarding units, projects, and experiences. Reading and writing instruction are again intertwined; when reading, students are asked to think like writers; when writing, they have to question what the reader would want. In writing, students continue to focus on ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and voice as they write for a variety of audiences and purposes. Additionally, students build their oral communication skills in speeches and presentations. Students continue the development of close reading skills begun in both 5th and 6th grades, furthering empathy-building, critical thinking, deep understanding, and analysis of increasingly challenging texts. Students also follow their own interests and passions as they often choose their own books, hopefully kindling a lifelong love of reading, A focus on learning and using new vocabulary and recognizing and correcting grammatical and usage errors lasts through each unit of study. Culminating projects push students to demonstrate their understanding of content by researching, writing, revising, publishing, and presenting to their peers and experts in the wider Milwaukee community as well as develop skills in teamwork, creativity, curiosity, resilience, ethics, and time management.